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Bill Mock sings surprise duet

October 16, 2019 - 00:00
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    Courtesy photo Members and guests attending the Re-Assembly Luncheon of the Music Study Club of Navasota are pictured standing behind Guest Performer Bill Mock and his mother, Mary Grace Mock, who are seated in front .

    The Music Study Club of Navasota, a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs, began its 107th year with the annual Re-Assembly Orientation Luncheon for members and guests. Oct. 9 at First Methodist Church Fellowship Hall.

    The musical program was presented with a special performance by Bill Mock. He sat down with the attendees to converse about how he became involved with music and gave credit to his mother Mary Grace Mock for his earliest memories of music when she played the piano in their home. As a special tribute to her influence and her presence at the meeting, Bill asked her to join him in singing one of their favorite songs. Following the surprise duet, Bill entertained the members with songs ranging from religious to original country music. MSCN endeavors to promote and showcase local talent; the efforts were certainly successful.

    During the catered meal, club member Carolyn Reid presented an Orientation Program highlighting both The Texas Federation and The National Federation of Music Clubs and how they work with and on behalf of local clubs. Carol Jean Gessner and Marilyn Bettes, Co-Presidents of MSCN, then conducted a brief Business Meeting.

    Future monthly programs were discussed including efforts to bring quality performance programs to the community and the schools. MSCN will be participating in Navasota’s Veterans Day Parade, Saturday, Nov. 9, at 10 a.m. and will be singing at the Veterans of Foreign Wars’s barbecue lunch afterward.

    In addition, everyone is invited to join Music Club members at noon on Veteran’s Day, Monday, Nov. 11 when the Navasota High School Brass Ensemble will perform at the Muddy Water Bookstore. Stop by, enjoy the patriotic music and have a hot dog following the program.