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Masonic Lodge to host car show

April 24, 2019 - 00:00
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    Courtesy photo Johanna Smith delivers socks to Twin City Mission as part of her “Knock Socks On” school project. The third-grader collected socks for three-weeks.

    Richards News

    I was sitting here on this beautiful Easter Sunday thanking God and counting my blessings. I thank God for keeping us all safe through the recent storms. We have certainly been blessed. The storms that roared through our area toppled chicken houses, trees, ripped roofs off barns and even ripped a roof off a workshop. The storm moved through the area causing destruction and power outages. Richards ISD was forced to cancel classes for the day due to the outage.

    Ray Woods reported that a tree split in his front yard. Mike Matchett had half the roof missing from his workshop. As I traveled State Highway 149 there were numerous trees and limbs that had been removed from the roadways. There were several barns and buildings missing roofs and knocked down.

    There was a report of heavy damage on Three Notch Road between SH 149 and Roans Prairie. Richards VFD was called out a little before 3 a.m. to assist with a tree blocking the eastbound lane of SH 149.

    Lee and I were awakened to a loud noise and found it to be a cedar tree limb that landed on our house. I didn’t hear of any reported injuries in the Richard’s area which is truly a blessing.

    Car Show

    Mark your calendars for the Richards Masonic Lodge’s Annual Car, Truck and Jeep Show Saturday, May 11, at Yankee’s Tavern in Carlos. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and there will be a $20 registration fee. The event is open to the public. There will also be plenty of raffle items, but you must be present to win. Award presentations will be at 2 p.m. and presented to top five cars, trucks, jeeps, bikes children’s pick, lodge master pick, Yankee Mike’s pick and Rat Rod class.

    There will also be music and food. For more information contact Tray Golden 281-541-3677, Jan Matchett 936-870-6187 or Scott Hartman 936-870-8505.

    Richards High School is asking you to be a hero. Give blood at Richards High School April 25, 8:30 a.m. till 1 p.m. The donor coach will be in the school parking lot. Contact Amy Thompson and include sponsor code BVM7. All successful donors will receive a free T-shirt.

    I hope you had a beautiful Easter weekend. The weather was perfect. This year we gathered Saturday for Easter at my house. I believe we hid about 325 eggs.

    Last, but not least, my granddaughter Johanna Smith, daughter of Clay and Shala Smith, who is a third-grader at IL Texas Charter Schools chose the “Knock Socks On” project. Each student came up with an idea and then students took a vote to choose the project they liked best. Students collected socks for about three-weeks. Johanna’s smile in the picture shows how proud she was that her idea was chosen. She delivered the socks to Twin City Mission.

    Please remember in your prayers Stacey Wisnoski, Rebecca Wisnoski, Robert Wisnoski, Marie Tomkivits, Teri Phelps, Darlene Ward and all those affected by the Easter bombings.

    Send news to bjigo78@ya or call 936-851-2585.