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Easter egg hunt April 6

April 03, 2019 - 20:00
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    Iola News

    Iola News

    The annual Easter egg hunt at the Iola Community Center will be held Saturday, April 6. This is a free event for children up to age 9 and will be held from 5 to 6 p.m. Drinks and cookies will be served.

    •Evergreen Baptist Church will be having the annual dodgeball tournament April 13 at the old Iola school gym. There will be two age groups playing, 13 years and older and 5 to 12 years old. Each team will consist of five players. Children 5 to 12 will have a registration fee of $5 per player. Children 13 and older will have a registration fee of $10 per player. There is a $1 admission for everyone else. Registration forms can be downloaded at or you can register at the door. The event is open to anyone interested in having some fun. All proceeds go toward sending students to church camp this summer.

    •The Grimes County Horse Show will be May 29 through May 31, starting at 7 p.m. each evening at the Grimes County Fairgrounds. The whole community is invited to come out and support our youth. If you are interested in sponsoring the horse show, individuals and companies can contact the horse show committee through Facebook at GCFA Horse Show or email Bonnie Stewart at or Jeffery Shive at

    •Iola varsity baseball will host Somerville with the game starting at 6:30 p.m. Friday, April 5.

    If there is something that you would like to be placed in the Iola News please contact me at . Please let me know by Thursday afternoon so I can place it in the column for the next week.