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Women’s Club meets next Thursday

May 20, 2021 - 08:45
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Mackie shares that the Bedias Women’s Club will hold its first meeting in more than a year, next Thursday, May 27, at 2 p.m. at the Bedias Civic Center. All Bedias area women are invited and encouraged to attend. We are hopeful that most folks will have had the vaccine that want to take it and that we will be able to fellowship and celebrate again for our regular meetings.

We plan to have a speaker on plants, and we hope to receive some tips about reviving our plants that were so devastated during the Bedias Blizzard! We invite all the women of our community to join us!

The Bedias Civic Association will have a fundraiser to help pay for the building’s new AC unit on Saturday, June 5. The civic club is also planning on having a July Fourth fireworks event and hopefully by August we can look forward to our monthly potluck gatherings again.

Bedias area organizations are slowly coming back to life, please keep an eye out for announcements on the Bedias Civic Center bulletin board and also the bulletin board at the Bedias post office.

Grimes County Commissioner Chad Mallett has now put the ball in our court. For Grimes County to move forward with adopting our DH roadways each Darrell Hall property owner must sign and return an “Acknowledgement and Release” to Commissioner Chad Mallett, PO Box 160, Anderson TX 77830 (AT-TN. Chad Mallett).

If you have any questions about this process and to receive a copy of the form, please give Commissioner Mallett a call at 936-870-5179 or visit our Facebook page to make your own copy,

The Bedias newsletter for April/May has been published. If you would like to contribute to the publishing of the newsletter, please send a donation to Sue Ellen Koop, Treasurer, 24954 CR 137, Bedias, TX 77831. Make checks out to the Bedias Newsletter. Any donation would be appreciated, no matter how small.

Want to know more about the Bedias Civic Club, Bedias Women’s Club, and other civic organizations active in the Bedias area? Please visit the Bedias Civic Club page, CivicClubAssoc, visit the Bedias Women’s Club website, BediasWomens; visit our Civic Center Events and Activities page, Center, or visit our Bedias News page, www.face, and please share your thoughts and suggestions. Another useful tool is the bimonthly Bedias Community Newsletter (the current issue is April/May), which goes to every postal address in the Bedias ZIP code, for more information contact Mackie Bobo-White, mackie

Do you have a community or church event you would like included in our weekly column? We would love to share your news with our readers.

Happy birthday to Rachel Turo, Kimberly Westbrook, Jackie Taylor, Ray Curtis, Joshua Westbrook and Hank Hargrave. Happy anniversary to Kenneth and Artie McDougald. Congratulations to everyone else celebrating personal and family occasions. Drop us a note if you want to add someone to our birthday, anniversary, or concerns list.

Please take care when driving near our schools and in sharing the road with school busses, and in road construction and repair areas. Please uphold our brave law enforcement officers, volunteer fire fighters and other first responders. Please hold the Mary Wakefield family in your hearts and prayers on her recent passing. Please hold Peggy Harrison, Joe and Betty Williamson, MaeDell Younts, Gene Stapleton, Philip Upchurch, Richard Taylor, Lew Gears and Aidan Fedor in your hearts and prayers.

Send news to, and please follow us at

“Two are better than one: If one falls down, his friend can help him up.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).