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White Hall Taxpayers election Oct. 6

September 14, 2022 - 00:00
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White Hall News

The United Way luncheon and “tailgate” event at TAMU was nice. There were many people there, entertainment, games and a lunch. I was appreciative of the invitation and holding that big check for $10,000 that the Grimes Health Resource Center will be given. The Madisonville group was there so I met those ladies too. The WHCVFD was busy selling first Saturday BBQ sandwiches. The ordering line was long for quite a while, as we were having some issues with our credit card square. My assistant, Colton Vickers, had to manually enter the credit card number which took more time. The fire department appreciates all the loyal customers who come monthly to support us. I know that I wrote about the comfort dog that a visitor brought to our church and how the handler told me they took the dogs to Uvalde and were going back. Well, since I watch Forensic Files and those shows on DIRECTV HLN Channel 204, that is what comes on when I cut the TV on again. Earlier this week the news on 204 showed these comfort dogs back at Uvalde on their first day of school and did a short segment on Lutheran Christian Ministries. There are many different handlers in many towns across the State and Wichita Falls was one. If you are interested in donating to the cause, you can email them at LCC@ LutheranChurchCharities. org. Information can be Googled at LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry.

Sept. 16 is a big day in Anderson. There will be a ceremony to honor the WWI monument has been moved to the Justice Center, the beginning of Constitution Week and the 75th anniversary of the American Legion McClusky Post 640. Refreshments will be served.

There will be an election of officers at the Oct. 6 White Hall Taxpayers Association quarterly business meeting. Please try to be present at this meeting.

The American Legion offers a scholarship for high school students. If you are interested in knowing more, please contact Brenda Storey, 858-722-4970. Ms. Storey will be happy to speak with you. She is trying to notify all the schools in the county about this scholarship, therefore your counselors may have the information.

Please add all our sick and homebound friends to your prayer list. These friends include Mary Martin, Leon Gorney, Barbara Gorney, Lois Bell, Jean Fleischhauer, Margaret Schultz, Lynette Frenzel, Sue Kolojaco, Mary Bauer, Rosa Finke, Marilyn Frenzel, Delores Mitschke, Mary Whatley, Billie Wittenbach, Gabriel Goode, Amy Simon, Glenn Binder, Pastor Schultz, and Lawrence Finke.

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries:

Sept. 18 – Edgar Oncken; Sept. 19 – Charles Falco, Gloria Clepper, Elva Mahaffey; Sept. 20 – Brock Addicks; Sept. 21 – Nolan Davis; Sept. 24 – Cole Abke, Jane Clepper. Congratulations to each of you! Upcoming Calendar Events: Sept. 14 – Salem Ladies Circle monthly meeting, 7 p.m. Education Bldg. Sept. 15 – Sonshine Sisters, Salem Lutheran, 10 a.m.

Sept. 15 – Grimes County VFW Post 4006 monthly meeting. Sept. 16 – Ceremonies in Anderson. Sept. 22 – Beginning of Autumn. Oct. 6 – WHTA (Community Center) Quarterly business meeting, 7:30 p.m.

If you have any information you wish to share, please feel free to call 936870-5284 or email me at and I will be happy to add to my column.