White Hall Birthday Bash plans finalized
Welcome to Texas weather! My two daughters and I kept in touch until late Monday night. The storm appeared to be headed directly to Lyons where Joni and her family live. Thankfully for them, it took a turn. Since the tornado we had several years ago came right in my area, I get antsy when weather gets bad. Keep praying for our neighboring communities who were hit by this weather and suffered damages.
White Hall is fortunate to have churches for everyone to attend and visit. Lynn Grove UMC, Union Grove Baptist and Salem Lutheran all welcome you. These country churches are known for their wonderful fellowship. Union Grove will continue their study of the prophesies on Wednesday and Sunday until Easter.
I am sure many of you know John and Mary Martin. Before my active membership with the VFW Auxiliary, this couple was very active in Post happenings. Unfortunately, life happens and sometimes we can’t continue volunteering. Mary has had health issues and is now at Golden Creek Healthcare in Navasota working on walking and getting well. She has the wonderful reputation of sending cards to other people who are sick, for Christmas, birthdays and other occasions. If you would like to send her a card, send to Golden Creek Healthcare, 2100 Dove Creek Crossing Lane, Navasota, TX 77868. I bet she would enjoy hearing from everyone.
The White Hall Taxpayers Association held a special meeting Thursday to complete planning for the Birthday Bash on May 21. There will be a car, truck and motorcycle show, food prepared by the Courtney/White Hall 4-H and the Navasota FFA Booster Club, Wildflyer Mead truck, beer table, bake sale, music and vendors. The members will be out and about soon with fundraiser sales tickets - one is for the guns drawing and another for the multiple items which I will list later on. Gates open at 9 a.m. Come out and support the WHTA efforts for improvements, for youth to be able to gain additional monies for their projects and scholarships and to have a good time.
It was good to see Leon and Barbara. Gorney this week even though it was at the clinic. He said he is feeling better and just needed a check-up.
Please continue to keep our sick and homebound friends on your prayer list. These friends include Mary Martin, Von Herring, Leon Gorney, Lois Bell, Jean Fleischhauer, Margaret Schultz, Lynette Frenzel, Sue Kolojaco, Mary Bauer, Rosa Finke, Jack Rimes, Marilyn Frenzel, Delores Mitschke, Glenn Binder, Laura Pursley, Allen “Butch” Fields, Margaret Finke, Pauline Kaspar, Mary Whatley, Billie Wittenbach, Beth McGinty and Alexander Hanna.
Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries:
Apr. 10 - Brittany Surovik, Brady and Melissa Frenzel; Apr. 11 - Dennis and Janis Frenzel; Apr. 12 - Lyssa Mi-nor; Apr. 13 -Allison Branner; Apr. 15 - Casey Rice, Donna Swarts. Congratulations to each of you!
Upcoming Calendar Events:
Apr. 2 - WHCVFD BBQ sales, at station, 11 a.m.
Apr. 4 - WHCVFD Business Meeting, 7 p.m. at station.
Apr. 7 - Quarterly WHTA business meeting.
Apr. 8 - Relay for Life, Navasota City Hall.
Apr. 10 - Palm Sunday.
Apr. 14 - Maundy Thursday.
Apr. 15 - Good Friday.
Apr. 17 - Easter Sunday.
Apr. 21 - Sonshine Sisters 10 a.m., bring lunch.
Apr. 21 - Grimes County VFW Post and Auxiliary meetings.
Apr. 23 - WHTPA workday 9 a.m.
May 21- Annual Birthday Bash fundraiser at White Hall CC.
Don’t forget to call me if you have anything to add to my column. My number is 936-870-5284 or you can email me at imhoff2home@yahoo.com.