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Historic Baptist Church demolished

November 22, 2023 - 00:00
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  • John Maxwell
    John Maxwell

    There was a display of military data at Iola Community Center Nov. 10-11, with all sorts of books and military information. Hopefully many area residents visited.

    Betty Harmon celebrated her birthday at Keith Community Center Saturday afternoon, Nov. 11. There were around 25 of her relatives and friends that attended. Do hope that she and her husband Glen have many more years of happiness together.

    There was a guest speaker at Evergreen Baptist Church Sunday, Nov. 12. Andrew Bush from Edwards. Mississippi brought the message. He was accompanied by his wife, Sharon Bush, and children, Abi, Cheyne and Sloane. He is the impact director of Varsity Brands. It was certainly good to have them in the church service. The regular pastor, Rev. Jeff Morgan, will be back next week.

    There won’t be a church service Wednesday, Nov. 22, so that people can prepare for Thanksgiving the following day. Hope that everyone will have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day celebration.

    Iola High School had their final football game Thursday, Nov. 9, in the playoffs against Falls City. Sad to say they lost 35-0. Hope that Iola will have a good season next year.

    The Iola North Zulch Order of the Eastern Star will have their monthly meeting at the Pyramid Masonic Lodge in North Zulch Monday, Nov. 27. The meeting will begin with a covered dish meal at 6:30 p.m. followed by their Star meeting. All members of the Eastern Star are invited to attend.

    Billy Smith and I attended the monthly meeting of the Grimes County Historical Commission Monday, Nov. 13, at the Grimes County Courthouse. Among the items discussed was the fact that the old Harmony Baptist Church that was built over 100 years ago has been torn down. The old cemetery that has both black and white people buried in it still there. Hopefully it will be taken care of. The church that was torn down and the cemetery are on Highway 105 and CR 407 near Navasota.

    It was also announced that Fanthorp Inn in Anderson is closed for renovation. It is expected to reopen in July 2024. This old inn dates back to the days of the Republic of Texas. Hope all goes well with the project.

    Happy birthday this week to: Nov. 19 – Leah Watkins; Nov. 20 – Ida Janice Finley Bryan, Glenda Pell Crenshaw, Robert Perez Sr.; Nov. 22 – Christi Lee Pyle, Maddox Gage Trant; Nov. 24 – Kenneth Butts, Adam Griffin; Nov. 25 – Jared Risner, Sue Kline and Ryan Van Zandt. Do hope your special day was a happy one.

    If you have any Keith news, call either my cell phone at 936-870-6094 or my house number at 936-394-8273.