VFD fundraiser a success
The WHCVFD fund-raiser was a success. We sold around 190 sandwiches and many people ordered meat by the pound. As a representative of the fire department, I would like to thank all our customers who came out to support our efforts to raise additional monies for the station.
There are meal tickets available for the annual fundraiser to be held Oct. 20 at the Whitehall Community Center. If you are interested, give me a call, 936-870-5284. As usual, we will have auction items, bucket raffles, barbecue plates and awesome desserts. Please mark your calendar now so that you will not forget to come see us. If you would consider contributing a bucket raffle item or even a monetary donation, please let me know.
The monthly business meeting for the VFD was held Monday with 16 members present. Chief Vickers discussed possible changes for all the VFDs in the county. Christopher Vickers is in charge of training and he discussed many upcoming opportunities for our firefighters. If you live in the area and would like to become a member, let me know. We encourage people to join our group either as a firefighter or auxiliary.
Early on Patriot’s Day, Chief Vickers and Suzie met students at High Point Elementary as they arrived at school. The fire truck was there also for the young students to see.
Patriot’s Day or 9-ll is a solemn day for many people. At the Grimes Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4006, we like to honor all the first responders of the county with a breakfast. This year Barbara “Cuz” Gstohl cooked the pancakes and sausage. Janis Frenzel cooked the scrambled eggs, Cecilia West did most of the pancake mixing and Mary Fontaine picked up food products, made coffee and helped set up and clean. I was the floater. I went from this person talking to the next person etc. I did actually mix up one batch of pancakes and crack some eggs! Thank you to these Auxiliary ladies who stepped up early to help with breakfast for this special day.
Sonshine Sisters welcome anyone interested in fellowship one day a month to please feel free to come and join our group. We meet at the Salem Lutheran Church Educational Building around 10 a.m. on the third Thursday of the month. Personally, I look forward to this day.
Reminder: Zion Lutheran Church will be hosting a fundraiser Sunday, Sept. 22, beginning at 11:30 a.m. and serving food until it is all gone. There will be brisket, sausage, green beans, potatoes and tea. A free will donation jar will be available. The net proceeds benefit the Anderson-Shiro ISD and Iola ISD nurse’s stations. The activities for the children include a playground, slip and slide and other games.
Don’t forget Salem Lutheran Ladies Circle is collecting socks for the nursing homes. If you are interested in donating these items, please feel free to call me and I will help make arrangements for collecting. Thank you.
Our sick and homebound friends include Sue Kolojaco, Lawrence Lieder, Dorothy Mahaffey, Mary Bauer, Lillian Shimshack, Albin Finke, Rosa Finke, Lois Bell, Rickey Binford, Charles Wellman, pastor Wayne Schumpe, Doug Taylor, Garry Wise, Kathy Cave Wells, Glenn Binder and Alexander Hanna, grandson of Curtis and Darla Kolojaco. Please add these friends to your prayer list.
Birthdays and
Sept. 24– Cole Abke, Jane Clepper; Sept. 26–Bill & Kinsey Stutts; Sept. 27– Sharon Finke; Sept. 28–Joey & Nancy Eppler. Congratulations to each of you.
Upcoming Calendar
Sept. 22– Zion Lutheran Church Fundraiser.
Oct. 4– NHS Homecoming
Oct. 5– WHCVFD 1st Saturday BBQ, 11 a.m. at the station.
Oct. 5– Texas Pickers, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. , downtown Whitehall.
Oct. 13– Lynn Grove UMC Homecoming at 11 a.m.
Oct. 17– Sonshine Sisters, 10 a.m. at Educational Bldg, Salem LC.
Oct. 17– Grimes VFW Post 4006 and Auxiliary monthly meetings.
Oct. 20– Annual VFD BBQ fundraiser.
Oct. 31– Deadline for VFW Scholarship applications.
Nov. 9– Veteran’s Day Celebration, Parade, Meal at the Post.
Don’t forget to call me if you have anything to add to my column. My number is 936.870.5284 or you can email me at georgiamolitor2014@gmail.com.