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Lots of laugh coming to VFW

August 21, 2019 - 00:00
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Veterans Talk

A bill titled “GI Bill Planning Act of 2019” was introduced in the House. This bill would change the time to enroll in the Montgomery GI Bill from the first week of recruit training to after a service member has served six months on active duty. As pointed out by a representative of the Veterans of Foreign War ( VFW), “The first few days of recruit training is a chaotic period and is not the time to discuss the specific differences between Post 9/11 and the Montgomery GI Bill.” Many VFW members have stated if they knew more about the Montgomery GI Bill, they would not have opted to pay $1,200 for a program they would never use. This proposal would allow service members additional time to understand the nuances between the two chapters of the GI Bill, if they are still needed, and how to best utilize their educational benefits.

To mark World Hepatitis Day, Veterans Affairs ( VA) announced it has cured 100,000 veterans of Hepatitis C (HCV). VA recommends that all veterans born between 1945 and 1965 get tested for HCV. Thanks in large part to VA’s aggressive outreach and treatment program, 85 percent of veterans at high risk of HCV had been tested by the end of 2018. If you fall into those dates of birth and have not been tested, I urge you to seek testing.

Locally, the Grimes County VFW Post 4006 has two preliminary announcements. First, they will be having a first ever comedy show at the Post in late September. These are local comedians, and some are veterans. Be on the lookout for flyers and announcements on the local radio station. I am sure it will be a fun evening with something a bit different in entertainment. Secondly, in January 2020 the Post will be celebrating its 75-year anniversary. Big plans are being laid and you can bet that EVERYBODY will be asked to help them celebrate 75 years of being a part of the community and helping the youth and fellow veterans.

Until next time, let me say thank you for your service to our veterans, and thank you to the families who supported them while they served. May God bless Texas and the USA!

Carl Dry is a Korean War veteran, a former Grimes County Veterans Service Officer and the current VFW Post 4006 Commander.

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