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Keith Civic Club meeting June 23

June 22, 2022 - 00:00
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There were no services held at Evergreen Baptist Church Wednesday, June 8, due to the Grimes County Fair. Hope everyone had a wonderful time at the fair.

The monthly meeting of the Iola North Zulch Order of the Eastern Star No 458 will meet Monday, June 27. The meeting will begin with a meal at 6 p.m., followed by the business meeting where new officers will be installed. Do hope all members will be installed in a safe way and all members will be able to attend.

There was a party held at the home of Chip and Trish Mosier Thursday, June 2. Food was served, and a variety of games were played. Approximately 15 attended, and all had a wonderful time. More game nights are being planned.

Carlos Fellowship Church had a wonderful service Sunday, June 12, with several visitors. There was a covered-dish meal following the service that was enjoyed by all. Several were even able to take food home for an additional meal. The church is led by Pastor Saffle.

Connie Davis Francis spent several days in the hospital following surgery Sunday, June 5. She is now home recovering and is still in need of your prayers.

Keith Civic Club will have their monthly meeting Thursday, June 23, at the Keith Community Center. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a covered dish meal followed by their business meeting. All are invited to attend.

Area residents were sorry to learn of the death of Bernard Chesnutt who passed away Tuesday, June 14. A memorial service is being held at Iola Missionary Baptist Church Saturday, June 25, beginning at 10 a.m. Do remember his wife Linda Rae Smith Beene and other family in your prayers.

Lots of fun days and weeks are planned for children of Evergreen Baptist Church this summer. Plans include church camp in June and July. I am sure they will have a lot of fun.

Happy birthday this week to: June 19 – Tommy Bennett; June 20 – Denny Chad Rosson, Reece Eric Thompson; June 21 – Billie Joe Brotherton; June 22 – Ruthe Earline Stewart, Vanessa Smithey, Nathan Mora; June 23 – Philip Dudley Guest, Connie Sue Davis Francis; June 24 – Jordan Risner; June 25 – Jeremiah Cole Manning. Do hope your special day was a happy one.

Happy anniversary this week to the following: Richard and Ruby Grissett, married June 18, 1954; Rev. Randy and Helen Bishop, married June 19, 1970; Eric “Frog” and Rose Womack Compian, married June 22, 2019. Join me in wishing them many more years of happiness together.

If you have any Keith news, call either my cell phone at 936- 870-6094 or my house number at 936-394-8273.