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Holiday break ending

January 08, 2020 - 10:55
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    Keith News

    Well folks, here we are in another year. Welcome to the year 2020. Wonder how long it will be before we remember to write 2020 on our checks and other things instead of 2019. Hope that the new year will bring you joy and happiness. May God bless each of you.

    According to my records, we received about 57 inches of rain in 2018. In 2019 we only received 44 inches. Do hope the rain will be much better for the year 2020.

    The New Year’s Eve party at Mac and Lura Mc-Bride’s home was enjoyed by all that attended. The attendance was down but all that attended certainly had a good time. I’m sure there were other parties around the community and hope there were several places that were decorated for the Christmas season. Surely those decorations will soon come down.

    I guess that Christmas break will be over soon, and children will be going back to school and college. Think the school kids will be back Tuesday, Jan. 7. College kids will be back around Monday, Jan. 13. Hope all will be well with all of them.

    After being out for about a month, the first meeting of the Keith Civic Club will be Thursday, Jan. 23. There is a $15 due for each person or $25 per couple. Hope to see you then. The club is looking forward to a new year and new members are always welcome. The club has unexpected expenses such as the breakage of windows last month which will have to be replaced, any help is appreciated.

    Rev. Herbert Richards, a former pastor of Evergreen Free Will Baptist Church, will turn 100 Tuesday, Jan.

    14. His family will be having a birthday party for him Saturday, Jan. 11, at the Steep Hollow Community Center from 2 p.m. till 4 p.m. All who love him or know him are invited to attend. This will be in Brazos County, hope to see you there.

    All area churches will go back to schedule when announced, I’m sure that they and the members will be glad. All looking forward to the New Year of 2020.

    Happy Birthday this week to the following; Jan. 6 – Lena Louise Coneley Finley; Jan. 4 -Rev. Faron W. Thebeau; Jan. 7 – Jonathan Compian; Jan. 8 – John Maxwell Norman, Lillian High, Tina Louise Humphrey; Jan. 9 – Richard Gris-sett, Brannon Crawford; Jan. 10 – Melissa “Missy” Yoist, Lois Coneley, Ray Boblick, Mary Jane Barr, David Lee Lavender, Harold B. R.P Trant 3rd, Brianna Templeton; Jan. 11 – A. Terrell Robertson. Do hope that your special day was a happy one.

    Happy anniversary this week to Harold and Linda Dudley who married Jan. 5. Do join me in wishing them many more years of happiness together.

    If you have any Keith news, call either my cell phone at 936-870-6094 or my house number at 936-394-8273.