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Grave cleaning class Sept, 10

August 31, 2022 - 00:00
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My previous weekend was a whirlwind. Planning a birthday party can be a bit stressful but Kohen sure had a good time. Chucky and I took him to church. He took a short nap in church but the remainder of the day he was always in motion. I think it was after 8:30 p.m. before he even appeared to be getting tired. Thanks to all who were able to come and celebrate (early) for his first birthday.

I also want to thank all those wonderful high school boys who helped pick up all the tables and chairs. Those guys were so kind to this grandma. It appears the going away luncheon Sunday for Pastor and Mrs. Mayerhoff was good. I know our congregation will miss them as they move onto other retirement fun. We will have a special ceremony Sunday afternoon at Salem Lutheran to welcome our full-time pastor. This will be a new adventure for both the congregation and Cory Christians. Mr. Christians will be Salem’s new pastor. He is a second career man having been in the military for the beginning of his working life. Our little church will be his first congregation and we are looking forward to his ordination and welcoming him and his wife, Jolene, to White Hall.

On Sept. 10, the Grimes County VFW Post 4006 Auxiliary will have the opportunity to learn how to clean tombstones. This process will start at the Oakland Cemetery in Navasota from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. We hope to have as many people as possible to come and learn the process and then move to other cemeteries in the County to clean the veteran’s graves. If you want to learn and take the project further, please come out. Bring your bucket and a soft brush, the cleaner will be donated.

There will be a ceremony Sept. 16, beginning at 10 a.m. for the WWII memorial that has been relocated to the Justice Center, and recognizing the beginning of Constitution Week and then celebrate the 75th anniversary of the American Legion McClusky Post 640 in Anderson. Cake will be provided for the public to finalize all the happenings. Please consider coming to support our county groups.

In last week’s column, I mentioned the Friends of Chamber Music. Here is the new schedule of performers: The star-studded lineup includes a new global jazz sensation, singer Samara Joy in Sept.; the dynamic and poetic Viano String Quartet in November; the international superstar of classical music, violinist Midori in February; a prominent German organist Christian Schmitt in March; and an audacious keyboardist, conductor, and scholar Mario Aschauer on harpsichord with his newly formed early music group, Harmonia Stellarum Houston, in April. Find more information at Contact Friends of Chamber Music at

Please continue to keep our sick and homebound friends on your prayer list. These friends include Mary Martin, Leon Gorney, Lois Bell, Jean Fleischhauer, Margaret Schultz, Lynette Frenzel, Sue Kolojaco, Mary Bauer, Rosa Finke, Marilyn Frenzel, Delores Mitschke, Mary Whatley, Billie Wittenbach, Gabriel Goode, Amy Simon, Glenn Binder, Pastor Schultz, Art Courville, Lawrence Finke and Alexander Hanna.

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries: Sept. 4 – Donna Abke; Sept. 5 – Jason Kainer; Sept. 7 – Patrick Bloomfield, Jason & Kellie Kainer; Sept. 8 – H.O. Raesener; Sept. 9 – Kellie Kainer, Darla Kolojaco, Aliviah Robertson; Sept. 10 – David Feldmann. Congratulations to each of you!

Upcoming Calendar Events: Sept. 3 – WHCVFD sandwich sales, 11 a.m. until sold out. Sept. 5 – Labor Day. Sept. 10 – Grave cleaning class.

Sept. 12 – WHCVFD Business meeting. Sept. 15 – Sonshine Sisters.

Sept. 15 – Grimes County VFW Post 4006 monthly meetings. Sept. 16 – Ceremonies in Anderson.

If you have any information you wish to share, please feel free to call at 936-870-5284 or email me at imhoff and I will be happy to add to my column.

White Hall News