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Farmer's Market resumes March 11

January 25, 2023 - 00:00
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Macedonia Baptist Church, 6957 CR 206, Plantersville, in the Blackberry Community invites Grimes County to their Black History Program Sunday, Feb. 12, at 10:30 a.m. Thanks in advance.


A Farmer's Market will be held Saturday, March 11, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Navasota Public Library.


Bernhardt Winery, 9043 CR 204, is hosting Complimentary Winter Wine Flight and live music Saturday, Jan. 28 from noon until 6 p.m. 


San Bernard Electric Cooperative 2023 Youth Tour Application is now open. High school juniors and seniors have the chance to go on a trip of a lifetime to the Government-in-Action Youth Tour, June 11-20 this year. Apply for a chance to win an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C., and a $1,000 scholarship to a university, college, trade or technical school. Visit for more information.


Grimes County Sherriff’s Department is hiring a School Resource Officer, Jailers, Patrol Deputy, Jail Deputy and Telecommunications. Application can be downloaded at


Macedonia Baptist Church, 6957 CR 206, Plantersville, in the Blackberry Community, changed the date of the Outreach/Health Fair. It is now Saturday, April 15, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. We are trying to have resources that can help or benefit the community. We are having medical, clothing, food, jobs info, etc. If you would like to participate in this event, please contact Ever Johnson, 936-894-2094. Thanks in advance.


Relay for Life is April 14. Mark your calendars for the event.


Happy Birthday to Callie Nicole Harvey, Louis Marshall, Dynella McCoy, Amethia Jackson, Valerie Chattmes, Tommy Cage, Dennis Terrell, Nathaniel Askey, Khloe Cullum, Richelle Askey, AnDrea Hargrove, Cleon Foreman, Karimah Rhodes-Hopkins, Keisha Bradley, Jack Bowen, Debbie Harrison Craig Lightfield, Samone Hinson Smith, Theresa Washington-Lewis, Cherl Powell and a Heavenly birthday to Myrtle Brooks. 


Happy anniversary to MonJay and Shana Johnson and Anthony and De'Andra Jordan.


Please have all anniversaries, birthdays and news to me by noon Thursday. If you have any news, please send to or call me at 936-894-2094. Thanks in advance.