The Bedias Cemetery Association, the caretakers of the Baptist and Methodist cemeteries in Bedias, will hold its annual homecoming and business meeting Saturday, March 7, at the Bedias Civic Center, 3652 Main Street. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. and all are encouraged to bring their favorite finger foods for the lunch that follows the meeting as well as their favorite work gloves for cemetery cleanup and general maintenance.
Read moreOn a 4-1 vote with Councilman Bernie Gessner voting nay, council approved the first reading of Ordinance 917-20 adopting Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Regulations at the Feb. 24 council meeting.
Read moreNavasota Independent School District board of trustees named Kristi Ramsey as principal of Navasota High School during a regularly scheduled board meeting Monday, Feb. 17.
Read moreNavasota Independent School District announced there is no opposition in the 2020 school board elections and also promoted Kristi Ramsey to principal at Navasota High School at a regularly scheduled meeting of the NISD board of trustees Monday, Feb. 17.
Read moreGrimes County Veterans of Foreign War Post 4006 treated three local students, two teachers and a counselor and their families to an awards banquet including a delicious spaghetti and meatball dinner.
Read moreA relentless effort to return a runaway juvenile home uncovered a campsite full of runaways near Klein High School.
Read moreTexans Against High Speed Rail (TAHSR) hosted a public rally Wednesday, Feb. 19, at the Grimes County Expo Center to update the residents of Grimes County on the fight against Texas Central Railroad’s (TCR) desire to bring a high-speed rail to Texas and through Grimes County.
Read moreBlack History Month was officially recognized by proclamation of President Gerald Ford in 1976 but the road to recognition actually began in 1915. It was at the national celebration of the 50th anniversary of emancipation that Harvard-trained Carter G. Woodson became inspired “to do more in the spirit of celebrating black history and heritage.”
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