ANDERSON — An inmate that escaped the Grimes County Jail in 2023 received the maximum sentence Dec. 11.
Read moreBack for its second review by the Navasota Planning and Zoning Commission, the Navasota Police Department vehicle parking lot site plan was approved with one amendment - Commissioner Ethan Barcak’s motion to approve prohibits NPD use of the property until the project is fully constructed. The lot, at the southwest corner of Farquhar and Holland, will be used to secure police vehicles, auxiliary equipment, evidence vehicles and as a task force staging area.
Read moreNavasota ISD board members approved the 2025-2026 calendar, the favorite among those surveyed.
Read moreNothing says Christmas like returning home for the holidays. Navasota welcomed the community, former community and visitors for their annual Home for the Holidays event Dec. 14. The event included a lighted Christmas parade through downtown, tree lighting, children’s activities, photos with Santa and more. See more photos on pages 10 and 11.
Read moreAt the Dec. 4 Regular Meeting of the Grimes County Commissioners Court, commissioners approved paying $4,000 to Counseling Creations Charities (CCC) for counseling services. Commissioner Barbara Walker’s motion also directed the funds, previously restricted for juror use, be moved to Fund 424 to allow expansion of services to all Grimes County residents who’ve experienced a traumatic event.
Read moreGrimes County Commissioners took no action Dec. 4 to decide the location of the south ambulance bay, but instead rescheduled the item for a Special Meeting Dec. 18. In October, the Stoneham EMS ambulance crew had to vacate the facility in Stoneham after the floor collapsed. They temporarily relocated to Todd Mission and were housed in trailers provided by the Texas Department of Emergency Management.
Read moreNavasota will begin the search for a new city manager after Jason Weeks submitted his resignation Thursday, Dec. 5.
Read moreThe Grimes County Make A Christmas Happen annual toy run was held Dec. 7. Several motorcyclists braved the cold and rain to make Christmas happen for families in need this holiday season.
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